"Free Game Codes" Discord Bot now supports Italian

When we announce language support for our Discord bot one of the our users Adriano Martello contact with us and translated our Discord BOT to Italian
Now you can use our discord bot in Italian
Add our Discord bot to your own Discord Server https://freegames.codes/discord/
For set your Discord BOT language to Italian :
* !lang
*!lang ita
* That's all
What is the free games codes Discord Bot?
Our discord bot shares free game deals on your Discord Server. It shares free Steam , Epic Games , playstation deals etc... You can set text channel for free game deals with !change command.
!help command shows full list of commands.
The full list of free shared gaming platforms is: Steam, Epic Games, Origin, Indiegala, MMO BOMB, Uplay, Rockstar Games, Microsoft Store, itch.io and, SteelSeries.