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Irang is free on Steam

  • Game Category: Steam
  • Release date: Jun 17, 2024
  • Platforms:Windows  

Get free Irang on Steam. This paid game has been free for a while. If you add the game to your library while the free game deal is still active, the game will be yours permanently. You can find free games and get information about games with

Available on platforms:
FreeFree100% OFF
Deal Status: Active
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Irang system requirements:

Minimum system requirements:
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel i5
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Radeon RX 580
    • Storage: 100 MB available space
Recommended system requirements:
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel i5
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Radeon RX 580
    • Storage: 100 MB available space

About Irang:

Under the tyranny of the four-throated, magic collapsed and darkness fell. Irang embarks on a journey to find her missing family and uncover her birth's secret. In a Metroidvania-style adventure, she explores a decayed world, enhances envoy powers, and aims to restore the lost light.

Categories: Single-player

Frequently Asked Questions:

Step 1: Click "Get It Free" button.

Step 2: After clicking the "Get It Free" button, you will be redirected to the game's page on the Steam store. You should see a green "Play Game" or "Add to Library" button on the page. Click it.

Step 3: A new window will open confirming that you want to add the game to your Steam library. Go through the installation prompts by clicking "Next" until you reach the end. Then, click "Finish" to add the game to your library.

Step 4: The game should now be in your Steam library. To play it, you'll need to install it first. Do this by navigating to your library, clicking on the game, and then clicking the "Install" button. Once the game is installed, you can launch it directly from your Steam library.

You should log in to Steam to download and play it for free.

Use the `/cat` command to activate the Steam category. Once activated, when games like Irang become free, the Free Games Discord bot will share them in your Discord server. For more information about the Discord bot, click here.

Irang can playable the following platforms: Windows  

The genres of the game are Single-player .

Irang supports the following languages: Korean

The game relased on Jun 17, 2024



The game is currently free. If you add the game to your library within the time specified in the free game offer, the game will be permanently yours.

The game has 'Irang' is an action-adventure game where you must use the power of four spells to defeat enemies threatening attack patterns. Explore vast regions to collect items that enhance and transform your spells. The more you collect, the more opportunities you'll have to face stronger foes. Enjoy on a journey to stop the Four Evil Beasts in a Joseon-inspired world, realized in the Metroidvania style.

[Joseon, medieval Korean magic world view]

"Joseon," the stage of Irang, is a magical fantasy world that reflects traditional Korean culture.
Explore the world of Joseon drawn in a hand-drawn style.

Be a "lrang" who broke up with your parents due to an accident, and take a step closer to the secret of your born truth and world view.

[Powerful power from the messenger. Magic]

The envoy was a creature with mysterious and strange power, enriching the world and protecting it from threats.
Their power was special, but they decided to share this power with the increasingly powerful attacks of the Four Evil Beasts
Magic power spread around the faithful servants of the envoy, and Joseon was able to develop further.

[The magic source, Narin]

Unlike the spiritual envoy, a spell is needed to utilize the magic of a human furrow.
The more you collect 'Narin', a special writing system unique to Joseon, the more diverse you can explore and use the power of a stronger spell.
Gather the scripts to unlock powers, reach special locations, and complete the story.



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