Army Truck 2021 - Offroad Driving Simulator is free on Microsoft Store
- Game Category: Microsoft Store
- Release date: 1/11/2021
- Platforms:Windows Xbox
Get free Army Truck 2021 - Offroad Driving Simulator on Microsoft Store. This paid game has been free for a while. If you add the game to your library while the free game deal is still active, the game will be yours permanently. You can find free games and get information about games with Freegames.codes.
Army Truck 2021 - Offroad Driving Simulator system requirements:
Minimum system requirements:- OSWindows 10 version 16299.0 or higher, Xbox One
- Architecturex64
- DirectXVersion 10
- OSWindows 10 version 16299.0 or higher, Xbox One
- Architecturex64
- DirectXVersion 10
About Army Truck 2021 - Offroad Driving Simulator:
Agressive, harsh, powerful army trucksare waiting for their driver! Complete military missions, fight against enemies, destroy your rivals, crash, smash and explode with incredible Army Truck 2021! Engines are roaring, machine-guns are charged, what are you waiting for?Control your truck: use the acceleration and brake pedals to speed up or slow down. Feel free to crash and destroy other trucks! Load your machine-gun and eliminate every enemy on your way! The more destruction you bring to the ho
Categories: Action & adventure
Frequently Asked Questions:
You should log in to Microsoft Store to download and play it for free.
Use the `/cat` command to activate the Microsoft Store category. Once activated, when games like Army Truck 2021 - Offroad Driving Simulator become free, the Free Games Discord bot will share them in your Discord server. For more information about the Discord bot, click here.
What is the "Army Truck 2021 - Offroad Driving Simulator" download size? The download size for Army Truck 2021 - Offroad Driving Simulator is 715.32 MB . We recommend that you leave 10% of your disk free for problems that may happen during installation and for performance.
Army Truck 2021 - Offroad Driving Simulator can playable the following platforms: Windows Xbox
The genres of the game are Action & adventure.
Army Truck 2021 - Offroad Driving Simulator supports the following languages: English (United States)
The game relased on 1/11/2021
Action Portal, LLC
The game is currently free. If you add the game to your library within the time specified in the free game offer, the game will be permanently yours.