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초요소녀 리리나 완전판(Choyo Girl Lilina Complete Edition) is free on Steam

  • Game Category: Steam
  • Release date: 8 Nov, 2024
  • Platforms:Windows  

Get free 초요소녀 리리나 완전판(Choyo Girl Lilina Complete Edition) on Steam. This paid game has been free for a while. If you add the game to your library while the free game deal is still active, the game will be yours permanently. You can find free games and get information about games with

Available on platforms:
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Deal Status: Active
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초요소녀 리리나 완전판(Choyo Girl Lilina Complete Edition) system requirements:

Minimum system requirements:
    • OS: WINDOWS10
    • Processor: INTEL PENTIUM
    • Memory: 8192 MB RAM
    • Graphics: Integrated motherboard graphics
    • Sound Card: Integrated motherboard sound
Recommended system requirements:
    • OS: WINDOWS10
    • Processor: INTEL I3 8100
    • Memory: 8192 MB RAM
    • Graphics: Integrated motherboard graphics
    • Sound Card: Integrated motherboard sound

About 초요소녀 리리나 완전판(Choyo Girl Lilina Complete Edition):

"Choyo Girl Lilina" is a role-playing game about the adventure story of a 15-year-old girl.

Categories: Single-player ,Full controller support

Frequently Asked Questions:

Step 1: Click "Get It Free" button.

Step 2: After clicking the "Get It Free" button, you will be redirected to the game's page on the Steam store. You should see a green "Play Game" or "Add to Library" button on the page. Click it.

Step 3: A new window will open confirming that you want to add the game to your Steam library. Go through the installation prompts by clicking "Next" until you reach the end. Then, click "Finish" to add the game to your library.

Step 4: The game should now be in your Steam library. To play it, you'll need to install it first. Do this by navigating to your library, clicking on the game, and then clicking the "Install" button. Once the game is installed, you can launch it directly from your Steam library.

You should log in to Steam to download and play it for free.

Use the `/cat` command to activate the Steam category. Once activated, when games like 초요소녀 리리나 완전판(Choyo Girl Lilina Complete Edition) become free, the Free Games Discord bot will share them in your Discord server. For more information about the Discord bot, click here.

초요소녀 리리나 완전판(Choyo Girl Lilina Complete Edition) can playable the following platforms: Windows  

The genres of the game are Single-player ,Full controller support .

초요소녀 리리나 완전판(Choyo Girl Lilina Complete Edition) supports the following languages: Korean

The game relased on 8 Nov, 2024



The game is currently free. If you add the game to your library within the time specified in the free game offer, the game will be permanently yours.

The game has

"Choyo Girl Lilina" is a role-playing game about the adventure story of a 15-year-old girl.

It is an expanded version of the previously released "Choyo Girl Lilina" and includes all the content up to the ending. Enjoy the game!

I don't fully support English, but I don't think it will be enough to understand the content of the game.

To play Choyo Girl Lilina smoothly, it is recommended to level up to at least level 3 in the dungeon just below Choryo Village before moving on to the next dungeon.

Когда вы достигнете 3 уровня, у вас появится возможность использоватьArea spells. После этого поговорите со стариком в деревне Чороя, чтобы получить задание найти его кошелек. Отправляйтесь в проулок деревни Самайн-1, чтобы найти кошелек старика, затем идите в Зелёный Парк, чтобы получить задание от молодого человека по имени Чан Минсу найти его плату за учебу.

Когда вы вернетесь в деревню Самайн 1, вы встретите бандита. Чтобы победить бандита, вам нужно прокачаться до 8 уровня и купить базовую броню, прежде чем с ним сразиться.

После этого вы сможете продолжать получать задания от жителей деревни, решая их проблемы и продвигаясь к следующей карте подобным образом.

Once you reach level 3, you will unlock the ability to use area spells. After that, speak to the elder in the town of Chorya to receive a quest to find his wallet. Head to the Samain Village Passage-1 to locate the elder's wallet, then go to Green Park to receive a quest from a young man named Jang Min-soo to find his tuition fee.

When you return to Samain Village 1, you'll encounter a thug. To defeat the thug, you need to level up to 8 and purchase basic armor before you can win the fight.

After that, you can continue to receive quests from the villagers, solving their problems to progress to the next map in a similar manner.

The complete edition of Lina, a super elementary girl, contains all the magic, all the items, and everything from start to finish. Have fun

- Differences from the previous version of "Choyo Girl Lilina. -

The earlier version of "Choyo Girl Lilina" only allowed players to play through Phase 1. This was because I was not familiar with using RPG Maker, making it challenging to create a complete storyline, so I was only able to develop Phase 1. However, the newly released "Choyo Girl Lilina Complete Edition" lets players fully enjoy the game from Phase 1 through the following phases and all the way to the ending.

New weapons, new armor, and new magical items have been added, along with various new spells. Illustrations that were not present in the previous version have also been included, making the game even more enjoyable.



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